
Add Payment

Adds a Payment to a booking in ProCharter.

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
AddPayment / AddPaymentRequest Root element of message.
BookingID ProCharter Booking ID of the booking to add Payments to
PaymentType Payment Type Code (see Get Payment Types)
Total Amount Total Amount of the payment (including Transaction Fees)
TransactionFee Transaction Fee Amount
Note Payment Note

You want to add a credit card payment (code = 'CC') for $100 with a $2 transaction fee

Example message:

<AddPayment> <AddPaymentRequest> <BookingID>78857</BookingID> <PaymentType>CC</PaymentType> <TotalAmount>102</TotalAmount> <TransactionFee>2</TransactionFee> <Note>Test</Note> </AddPaymentRequest> </AddPayment>

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
AddPaymentResponse / AddPaymentResult Root element of message.
Success Indicates if the Payment was added successfully

Example message:

<AddPaymentResponse xmlns="ResLink"> <AddPaymentResult> <TimeStamp>2016-01-12T11:01:23.1786928+10:00</TimeStamp> <Status Code="0" Message=""/> <Errors/> <Warnings/> <Success>true</Success> </AddNoteResult> </AddNoteResponse>