
Get Booking

Retrieves Booking in ProCharter.

Request Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetBooking / GetBookingRequest Root element of message.
BookingID ProCharter Booking ID of the booking to retrieve

You want to get details for Booking 78857.

Example message:

<GetBooking> <GetBookingRequest> <BookingID>78857</BookingID> </GetBookingRequest> </GetBooking>

Response Profile Table

Element | @Attribute Description/Contents
GetBookingResponse / GetBookingResult Root element of message.
Booking Object representing a Booking
@ID ProCharter Booking ID
@Name Booking Name
@FullName Main Passenger Name
@Status Booking Status.
Valid values are:
  • 72 - Held
  • 67 - Confirmed
  • 68 - Reconfirmed
  • 73 - Checked In
  • 87 - Web Checked In (Local)
  • 82 - Web Checked In (Remote)
@TotalPassengers Number of Passengers
@Accommodation System Code for Accommodation (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code = 'ACC'
@AccommodationRoom Accommodation room number
@ArrivalNote Arrival note
@ArrivalDate Arrival Date. If not specified returns '0001-01-01T00:00:00'
Address Object representing the Booking Address
Run Object representing the Run the Booking is travelling on
@ID ProCharter Run ID
@DateFrom Start date/time of trip
@DateTo End date/time of trip
Resource Object representing the Resource the Booking is travelling on
@ID ProCharter Resource ID
@Name Resource Name
@Diving Indicates if Resource offers Onboard Diving
@Licenced Indicates if Resource is licenced (ie sells alcohol onboard)
BookingAgent Object representing the Agent that the Booking was made through
@ID ProCharter Agent ID
@Name Agent Name
@Contact Agent Contact
MarketingFields Collection of MarketingField objects
MarketingField Object representing a single MarketingField
@Index MarketingField index
@Value System Code for Marketing Field value (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code details are available from Get Marketing Field Config.
Passengers Collection of Passenger objects
Passenger Object representing a single Passenger attached to the Booking
@ID ProCharter Passenger ID
@Index Passenger Index
@FirstName Passenger First Name
@LastName Passenger Last Name
@FullName Passenger Full Name
@NextOfKin Next of Kin Name
@NextOfKinPhone Next of Kin contact details
@NextOfKinRelationship Next of Kin relationship
@MedicalDeclaration Indicates if Passenger has accepted a Medical Declaration
BookPaxMarketingFields Collection of MarketingField objects
MarketingField Object representing a single MarketingField
@Index MarketingField index
@Value System Code for Marketing Field value (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code details are available from Get Marketing Field Config.
PaxMarketingFields Collection of MarketingField objects
MarketingField Object representing a single MarketingField
@Index MarketingField index
@Value System Code for Marketing Field value (see Get Sys Codes for more information). Category Code details are available from Get Marketing Field Config.
Pickup Object representing the Pickup for this Passenger. Note: There is also a Pickup on the Booking object that this value overrides if specified.
@Code Pickup Location Code (see Get Pickups for more information)
@Description Pickup Location Description
@PickupTime Pickup Time. Note: This is returned as a date/time
Services Collection of Service objects
Service Element that represents a Service on a Booking
@ID ProCharter Service ID
@IsMainRequest Indicates if the service is the primary service (ie Ticket) on the Booking
@Quantity Number of items
@Price Service Price
@PriceAlreadyPaid Indicates the Net was paid to the Booking Agent and is not required to be paid in ProCharter
@Commission Service Commission
@CommissionAlreadyPaid Indicates the Commission was paid to the Booking Agent and is not required to be paid in ProCharter
@AmountLeftToPay The current outstanding amount on the Service
@AmountPaidToCompany Amount already receipted in ProCharter for the Service
@AmountAfterCommission Net Amount (ie Price - Commission)
@PaxID ProCharter ID of the Passenger the service is for
@PaxName Name of the Passenger the service is for
@Cancelled Indicates if the Service is Cancelled
@CanCancel Indicates if the Service can be cancelled (see Cancel Service)
Product Element representing the Service Product
@Code Product Code
@Description Product Description
@Category Product Category Code
Notes Collection of Note objects
Note Element that represents a Note
@ID ProCharter Note ID
@User ProCharter Username of User who created the Note
@DateCreated Creation Date
@DueDate Due Date for the Note. No Due Date is returns "0001-01-01".
@Complete Indicates if the Note requires following up or is Complete
Value The actual text of the Note
ClassTypes Collection of ClassType objects
ClassType Element that represents a ClassType
@Name ClassType Name
@Quantity ClassType Quantity
Pickup Object representing the Pickup for this Booking. Note: There is also a Pickup on each Passenger object that will override this value if specified.
@Code Pickup Location Code (see Get Pickups for more information)
@Description Pickup Location Description
@PickupTime Pickup Time. Note: This is returned as a date/time

Example message:

<GetBookingResponse xmlns="ResLink"> <GetBookingResult> <TimeStamp>2016-01-12T13:25:26.1418041+10:00</TimeStamp> <Status Code="0" Message=""/> <Errors/> <Warnings/> <Booking ID="78857" Name="Test" FullName="Test, Tim" Status="72" TotalPassengers="2" Accommodation="AHO" ArrivalDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00"> <Address/> <Run ID="24028" DateFrom="2016-01-19T19:30:00" DateTo="2016-01-22T16:30:00"> <Resource ID="87" Name="Solway Lass 3d/3n" Diving="false" Licenced="true" PCCheckInDiving="false"/> </Run> <BookingAgent ID="1" Name="Test Agent" Email=""/> <MarketingFields> <MarketingField Index="1" Value="SLT"/> <MarketingField Index="2" Value="NO"/> <MarketingField Index="3" Value="CAR"/> <MarketingField Index="4" Value="FRI"/> <MarketingField Index="5" Value="INT"/> <MarketingField Index="6"/> <MarketingField Index="7" Value="YES"/> <MarketingField Index="8" Value="NO"/> </MarketingFields> <Passengers> <Passenger ID="169269" Index="1" FirstName="Tim" LastName="Test" FullName="Test, Tim" NextOfKin="tba" NextOfKinPhone="tba" NextOfKinRelationShip="tba" MedicalDeclaration="false"> <BookPaxMarketingFields> <MarketingField Index="1" Value="&lt;30"/> <MarketingField Index="2" Value="AUS"/> <MarketingField Index="3" Value="UNS"/> <MarketingField Index="4" Value="LRG"/> </BookPaxMarketingFields> <PaxMarketingFields> <MarketingField Index="1" Value="LAI"/> <MarketingField Index="2" Value="AA"/> <MarketingField Index="3" Value="LIM"/> <MarketingField Index="4" Value="NO"/> </PaxMarketingFields> <Pickup Code="P11" Description="Adventure W/S Van Park" PickupTime="0001-01-01T07:30:00"/> </Passenger> <Passenger ID="169270" Index="2" FirstName="Toni" LastName="Test" FullName="Test, Toni" NextOfKin="tba" NextOfKinPhone="tba" NextOfKinRelationShip="tba" MedicalDeclaration="false"> <BookPaxMarketingFields> <MarketingField Index="1" Value="&lt;30"/> <MarketingField Index="2" Value="AUS"/> <MarketingField Index="3" Value="UNS"/> <MarketingField Index="4" Value="SM"/> </BookPaxMarketingFields> <PaxMarketingFields> <MarketingField Index="1" Value="1al"/> <MarketingField Index="2" Value="ASM"/> <MarketingField Index="3" Value="SOK"/> <MarketingField Index="4" Value="YES"/> </PaxMarketingFields> <Pickup PickupTime="0001-01-01T00:00:00"/> </Passenger> </Passengers> <Services> <Service ID="408837" IsMainRequest="true" Quantity="1" Price="898" PriceAlreadyPaid="true" Commission="179.6" CommissionAlreadyPaid="true" AmountLeftToPay="0.0000" AmountPaidToCompany="0.0000" AmountAfterCommission="0.0000" ReceiptLinesTotal="0.0000" PaxID="0" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="true"> <Product Code="TBOOK" Description="Ticket" Category="TBOOK"/> </Service> <Service ID="408838" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="4" Price="280" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="180" AmountPaidToCompany="100" AmountAfterCommission="280" ReceiptLinesTotal="100" PaxID="0" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="false"> <Product Code="LFEE" Description="Local Fees" Category="RTAX"/> </Service> <Service ID="408839" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="4" Price="20" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="20" AmountPaidToCompany="0.0000" AmountAfterCommission="20" ReceiptLinesTotal="0.0000" PaxID="0" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="true"> <Product Code="TRN" Description="Luggage Storage" Category="TRN"/> </Service> <Service ID="408840" IsMainRequest="false" Quantity="1" Price="2" PriceAlreadyPaid="false" Commission="0.0000" CommissionAlreadyPaid="false" AmountLeftToPay="0.0000" AmountPaidToCompany="2" AmountAfterCommission="2" ReceiptLinesTotal="2" PaxID="169269" PaxName="Test, Tim" Cancelled="false" CanCancel="false"> <Product Code="CCFEE" Description="Credit Card Fee" Category="MISC"/> </Service> </Services> <Notes> <Note ID="138681" User="cwc" DateCreated="2016-01-11T14:39:26" DueDate="0001-01-01T00:00:00" Complete="true"> <Value>Check In Test</Value> </Note> <Note ID="138682" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-11T16:00:46" DueDate="1899-12-30T00:00:00" Complete="true"> <Value>new note 1</Value> </Note> <Note ID="138683" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-11T16:01:08" DueDate="1899-12-30T00:00:00" Complete="true"> <Value>new note 2</Value> </Note> <Note ID="138684" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-11T16:01:08" DueDate="2016-01-21T00:00:00" Complete="true"> <Value>new note 4</Value> </Note> <Note ID="138685" User="Unknown" DateCreated="2016-01-12T10:54:53" DueDate="2016-01-21T00:00:00" Complete="false"> <Value>new note 3</Value> </Note> </Notes> <ClassTypes> <ClassType Name="Cabin 10 Dbl/Twin" Quantity="1"/> </ClassTypes> <Pickup Code="Cor" Description="Coral sea resort" PickupTime="0001-01-01T07:15:00"/> </Booking> </GetBookingResult> </GetBookingResponse>